Vedecké práce publikované v recenzovaných zborníkoch (2013):

KOCIFAJ, Miroslav - KÓMAR, Ladislav. Jas dennej oblohy: Reálne exteriérové podmienky VS. Laboratórne modely. In Svetlo 2013 : zborník z 20. medzinárodnej konferencie. Editor D. Gašparovský. - KONGRES management, 2013, s. 14-19. ISBN 978-80-89275-35-9.

DARULA, Stanislav - KITTLER, Richard. Príspevok k hodnoteniu rozloženia nehomogénnych oblohových jasov. In Svetlo 2013 : zborník z 20. medzinárodnej konferencie. Editor D. Gašparovský. - KONGRES management, 2013, s. 106-112. ISBN 978-80-89275-35-9.

FABIAN, Miroslav  - DARULA, Stanislav. Contribution to CIE Standard skies determination. Conf. AFT 2013, Building Physics and Architecture, May 2. – 3., 2013, Leuven. Leuven: The Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, p. 111 – 116. ISBN 978-90-8649-637-2.

FABIAN, Miroslav – DARULA, Stanislav. Výskyt štandardných typov oblôh a zmien činiteľa zákalu atmosféry počas dvoch rokov. In Svetlo 2013 : zborník z 20. medzinárodnej konferencie. Editor D. Gašparovský. - KONGRES management, 2013, s. 149-155. ISBN 978-80-89275-35-9.

KÓMAR, Ladislav - RUSNÁK, Anton - DUBNIČKA, Roman. Analysis of diffuse sky irradiance using portable spectral sky-scanner. In Svetlo 2013 : zborník z 20. medzinárodnej konferencie. Editor D. Gašparovský. - KONGRES management, 2013, s. 8-13.

RUSNÁK, Anton - DUBNIČKA, Roman - KÓMAR, Ladislav. Measurement and evaluation of spectral characteristics of sky types. In Svetlo 2013 : zborník z 20. medzinárodnej konferencie. Editor D. Gašparovský. - KONGRES management, 2013, s. 174-181

Vedecké práce publikované v recenzovaných zborníkoch (2012):

1.DARULA, Stanislav. Influence of sky conditions on the luminous efficacy. In IX. International Scientific Conference FCE TUKE: The 35th Anniversaryof the Faculty of Civil Engineering and The 60th Anniversary of the Technical University of Košice. Košice: FCE TUKE, 2012, 6 p. ISBN 978-80-553-0905-7.

2. DARULA, Stanislav - KITTLER, Richard - KÓMAR, Ladislav. Vertical sky illuminance respecting ISO sky standards. In EuroSun 2012: solar energy for a brighter future: book of proceedings. Eds. B. Frankovič, J.O. Dalenbäck. - Croatia: Croatian Solar Energy Association Rijeka: International Solar Energy Society, 2012, 5 p. ISBN 978-953-6886-20-3.

3. DARULA, Stanislav - KITTLER, Richard - KÓMAR, Ladislav. Parameterisation of vertical illuminances. In LUMEN V4: proceedings of international conference 26-28 September 2012 Bratislava. Editor Dionýz Gašparovský. - Bratislava, 2012, p. 74-85. ISBN 978-80-89275-32-8.

4. FABIAN, Miroslav - DARULA, Stanislav. Contribution to the determination of parameters for daylight evaluation. In LUMEN V4: proceedings of international conference 26-28 September 2012 Bratislava. Editor Dionýz Gašparovský. - Bratislava, 2012, p. 258-264. ISBN 978-80-89275-32-8.

5. KONDÁŠ, Kristián - DARULA, Stanislav. Influence of the angle of the sloperoof on daylight in the attic spaces. In LUMEN V4: proceedings of international conference 26-28 September 2012 Bratislava. Editor Dionýz Gašparovský. - Bratislava, 2012, p. 265-270. ISBN 978-80-89275-32-8.

6. KLAČKA, Jozef - TOMKOVÁ, Zuzana - KOCIFAJ, Miroslav - KÓMAR, Ladislav. Angular distribution of scattered radiation under broken cloud arrays - method of rapid calculation. In EuroSun 2012: solar energy for a brighter future: book of proceedings. Eds. B. Frankovič, J.O. Dalenbäck. - Croatia: Croatian Solar Energy Association Rijeka: International Solar Energy Society, 2012, 2 p. ISBN 978-953-6886-20-3.

7. KLAČKA, Jozef - KOCIFAJ, Miroslav - TOMKOVÁ, Zuzana. Cellular statistical models of broken clouds for radiation modelling. In EuroSun 2012: solar energy for a brighter future: book of proceedings. Eds. B. Frankovič, J.O. Dalenbäck. - Croatia: Croatian Solar Energy Association Rijeka: International Solar Energy Society, 2012, 6 p. ISBN 978-953-6886-20-3.

8. KOCIFAJ, Miroslav. Diffuse radiances under partially cloudy sky - theory and numerical modelling. In EuroSun 2012: solar energy for a brighter future: book of proceedings. Eds. B. Frankovič, J.O. Dalenbäck. - Croatia: Croatian Solar Energy Association Rijeka: International Solar Energy Society, 2012, 7 p., ISBN 978-953-6886-20-3.

9. KOCIFAJ, Miroslav. Effect of single clouds on sky luminance distribution. In LUMEN V4: proceedings of international conference 26-28 September 2012 Bratislava. Editor Dionýz Gašparovský. - Bratislava, 2012, p. 228-231. ISBN 978-80-89275-32-8.

10. KÓMAR, Ladislav - RUSNÁK, Anton. Spectral standard sky model for photovoltaic applications. In EuroSun 2012: solar energy for a brighter future: book of proceedings. Eds. B. Frankovič, J.O. Dalenbäck. - Croatia: Croatian Solar Energy Association Rijeka: International Solar Energy Society, 2012, 6 p. ISBN 978-953-6886-20-3.

11. KÓMAR, Ladislav. Directional reflectance of high-reflective layer inside the light tubes. In LUMEN V4 : proceedings of international conference 26-28 September 2012 Bratislava. Editor Dionýz Gašparovský. - Bratislava, 2012, p. 215-219. ISBN 978-80-89275-32-8.

12. KÓMAR, Ladislav. Výhody a nevýhody alternatívnych osvetlovacích sústav využívajúcich denné svetlo. In Kurz osvětlovací techniky XXIX : sborník odborného semináře. - Ostrava : VŠB - Technická univerzita Ostrava, 2012, s. 110-112. ISBN 978-80-248-2833-6.

13. PREŠINSKÝ, Miroslav. Application of anidolic ceiling systems in office spaces located in the central European climate. In LUMEN V4 : proceedings of international conference 26-28 September 2012 Bratislava. Editor Dionýz Gašparovský. - Bratislava, 2012. ISBN 978-80-89275-32-8.

Vedecké práce publikované v recenzovaných zborníkoch (2011):

1. KOCIFAJ, Miroslav – DARULA, Stanislav – KITTLER, Richard. Transmission properties of light pipes under diffuse light and direct sunbeams. In Solaris 2011, ISBN 978-80-214-4306-8, Eds. M. Novotný, J. Mohelníková, Brno Univ. Technol., 2011, 137-142.

2. KOCIFAJ, Miroslav. Blurring the differences between neighbouring sky types due to multiple scattering of light. In Solaris 2011, ISBN 978-80-214-4306-8, Eds. M. Novotný, J. Mohelníková, Brno Univ. Technol., 2011, 131-136.